Re: Anti Hijacking tools

der Mouse (mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU)
Sat, 28 Jan 1995 10:32:55 -0500

>> Here is a program that does some of what der Mouse's device driver
>> does but runs as program that edits /dev/kmem to disable the device
>> /dev/vd.

> AntiHijacking tool?  It disables sun4's kernel ability to modload
> modules on fly,

Right; this is the whole point.

> thus also disables things like ppp, slip, et al.

Only if your ppp/slip requires loading a kernel module at run-time.  My
serial IP code doesn't depend on LKMs at all.  Most that do can
probably be loaded in /etc/rc.local before the door is locked.

> I won't call it a solution.

Well, you're welcome to call it - or not call it - whatever you like.
I don't call it a solution either, but more because the security can so
easily be defeated with the help of a reboot.

And of course, if your environment doesn't call for "things like ppp,
slip, et al", this doesn't matter at all.  Nobody _has_ to use either
of these things; they're just one more option available that some may
choose to avail themselves of.

					der Mouse